Call for Grand Challenge Projects in Mahti

Call for Grand Challenge Projects in Mahti!

The call for Grand Challenge Projects to be run in Mahti is now open. The Grand Challenge Projects are expected to produce results in a year beginning in January, 2021. Grand Challenge projects will be allowed to run larger jobs, up to 700 nodes, if the software is scalable enough. The projects are supposed to report back of their scientific results.

We would appreciate new approaches which have not been possible previously, ideally from all fields from natural sciences to humanities. In particular, we encourage the applicants to concretely bring up in their proposals why their research topic is a challenging, and if their project would succeed, then what would be the resulting breakthrough.

We ask you to give an estimate how much resources your project would require in billing units (BU), and which would be the minimum amount that would produce useful results. The maximum amount that can be awarded is 50 million BUs for one project.

The proposals are submitted via a web form. You can save and edit your proposal until you decide to send it.

The deadline for proposals is Monday, 16th November, 2020, at 12:00.

The proposals will be evaluated and selected by CSC’s Scientific Customer Panel. The evaluation criteria are listed here.

CSC will nominate a contact person to the project. Details of Mahti.

More information from CSC Service Desk (