Continuous LUMI-C calls open for Finnish researchers

Continuous LUMI-C calls open for Finnish researchers

Academic users affiliated with a Finnish university, higher education or research institute may apply for computing resources on LUMI supercomputer’s x86 CPU partition LUMI-C. The calls are open for all fields of science needing high-performance computing capacities.

There are three different access modes:

Regular Access for medium-size projects targeting the CPU partition of the system (LUMI-C), project duration is fixed to one year. LUMI-G Regular Access will become available later this year.

Development Access, aimed for minor projects to develop software development for LUMI and other supercomputers. Project duration is one year, extendable for other years.

Benchmark Access to show readiness for Extreme Scale Access. These will become topical later this spring.

Please see the LUMI website for information on how to submit a project for these access modes.

If you have questions, please contact

More information:

LUMI-C documentation
LUMI User Support

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