Nationally notable projects

CSC actively seeks to participate in social debate and influence the national and international operating preconditions that are significant for the company or its stakeholders. Promoting the competitiveness of Finnish research is a key part of our mission.

The data management and computing development program strengthens Finnish research

In the data management and computing development program, investments are made in hardware and related services. The Ministry of Education and Culture will be carrying out the development program with research and innovation actors in 2017–2021.

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EuroHPC – the next step in high-performance computing

The next big step in high-performance computing is in exascale supercomputers, whose vast computing power is needed in the conducting of top research in a wide range of data and computing-intensive fields. This type of research would be impossible without such computing power.

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FUNET 2020 – Data network modernisation project ensures effective and seamless data connections

Funet 2020 is a modernisation project for the network which began with a period of preparatory work carried out in spring 2016. The project seeks to ensure for the coming years the coverage, capacity, data security and service reliability of the Funet network and its services as well as keeping service capacity up-to-date in relation to the growing and diversifying demands on the network.

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