Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth – Second Phase
The scientific ambition of ChEESE-2P is to prepare 11 community flagship codes to address 12 domain-specific Exascale Computational Challenges, adding to the areas covered during the first implementation phase (computational seismology, magnetohydrodynamics, physical volcanology, and tsunamis) with two additional disciplines (geodynamics and modeling of glacier hazards). The codes will be optimized in terms of performance on different types of accelerators, scalability, deployment, containerization, and portability across current pre-exascale systems and hardware architectures emerging from the EuroHPC Pilots by co-designing with mini-apps. Emphasis will be given on the uptake by science, public administration and industry, including training and capacity building in cooperation with National Competence Centers.
The PDs will materialise in 15 Simulation Cases (SCs) representing capability and capacity use cases of particular relevance in terms of science, social relevance, or urgency (the capability SCs include 4 potential Scientific Grand Challenges, i.e. cases that can require an extreme-scale access mode). The SCs will produce relevant EOSC-enabled datasets and enable services on aspects of geohazards like urgent computing, early warning forecast, hazard assessment, or fostering an emergency access mode in EuroHPC tier-0/tier-1 systems for geohazardous events (earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes), including access policy recommendations. Finally, ChEESE-2P will liaise, align, and synergize with other domain-specific European projects and longer-term mission-like initiatives like Destination Earth.
CSC’s role in the project is to apply ElmerIce to model glacier outburst floods (or GLOFs), which are violent and dangerous sudden releases of glacial water and to investigate and develop the GPU capabilities of Elmer. Additionally, we participate in developing the urgent computing schemes within EuroHPC systems and especially LUMI.
More information about the funding
This project is supported by the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) under grant agreement No 101093038 and by the Research Council of Finland under funding decision No 359805.

Horizon Europe, EuroHPC JU and Research Council of Finland
Projektin kesto
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2026Hankkeen verkkosivut