Integrated Atmospheric and Earth System Research Infrastructure
INAR RI is an umbrella research infrastructure, coordinating the distributed national nodes of European environmental research infrastructures (ICOS, ACTRIS, eLTER and AnaEE) in Finland. The components of INAR RI study the atmosphere, biosphere and their interactions.
An important part of INAR RI activities has been building new INAR RI facilities and the development of Finnish national practices for ecosystem data management and access provision. INAR RI services include e.g. open access to long-term observation data, access to research facilities, and instrument development.
The main aim for 2024-2027 is to upgrade the existing RI with a focus on the urban and agricultural environments and develop services to help the society answer questions related to air quality and climate change. The upgrade will allow to access the full air quality and climate impact related to agricultural activities and urban greenery. This strongly supports the national goal of carbon neutrality by providing missing information regarding urban and agricultural emissions.
As part of INAR RI activities, CSC provides expertise and support on data management and organises INAR RI data workshops.
More information about the funding
This project has received funding from the European Union – NextGenerationEU instrument and is funded by the Research Council of Finland under decisions number 345534, 358800 and 367742.

Research Council of Finland & NextGenerationEU
Projektin kesto
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2027Hankkeen verkkosivut