
Development and Deployment of the European AI-on-Demand Platform

The primary goal of DeployAI is to build, deploy, and launch a fully operational AI-On-Demand platform (AIoDP) promoting trustworthy, ethical, and transparent European AI solutions for use in the industry, mainly for SMEs and the public sector.

DeployAI will provide a comprehensive and Trustworthy AI (TAI) resource catalogue and marketplace, which offers responsible AI resources, and tools, ensuring access for end-users and asset developers, and meeting industrial standard requirements. AIoDP will allow the rapid prototyping of TAI applications and their deployment to a variety of cloud/edge/HPC infrastructures. First and foremost, DeployAI will ensure increased visibility and easy access to trustworthy AI innovations, tools and services made in Europe.

As a consortium member, CSC is contributing to the AIoDP architecture and technical specification, the platform’s core components development and integration as well as to the operational interoperability of the platform.

More specifically, CSC will be involved in developing and tuning foundation models to be provided as APIs through the AIoD platform. CSC will also participate in developing and delivering advanced connectors to seamlessly integrate the AI platform with Technology Experimentation Facilities (TEFs) and European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) repositories. In addition, CSC will be involved in providing the specification for the interconnection and interoperability of the AIoD platform with HPC (i.e. EuroHPC) systems, including delivering connectors that link the platform and the HPC systems, as well as provide both catalogue and computing delegation interoperability with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Furthermore, CSC will provide computing resources for the project and facilitate required proposals for EuroHPC JU access calls.

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