The HPC Alliance for Applications and Supercomputing Innovation: The Europe-Japan Collaboration

The HANAMI project seeks to promote advances in supercomputing by facilitating the exchange of computing resources between the European Union and Japan.

The project builds on the EU-Japan Digital Partnership by bringing together research teams representing excellence in high-performance computing (HPC) both in Europe and Japan. The project includes joint development of HPC applications, and access to the supercomputers to test, optimize and improve knowledge about extreme-scale architectures. Also, a high-level symposia and long-term visits and researcher exchanges will be organised. In addition, the project works towards developing a roadmap for sustainable HPC collaboration between the regions.

HANAMI centers around a number of distinct joint projects on biomedical applications, climate and weather modeling, and materials science. The scientific projects focus on the co-development of key applications and relative codes used in academic and industrial environments. The main aim of the European and Japanese co-development teams will be benchmarking, measuring, and optimizing the performance of the applications on extreme-scale architectures in both regions. 

CSC participates in two of the scientific projects on climate and weather modelling and biomedicine. In the climate and weather modelling project, CSC focuses on porting HPCW benchmarks to LUMI based on the work done in ESiWACE Centre of Excellence. In the biomedicine project, CSC participates in the development of a genome analysis pipeline and tumour evolution simulation pipelines, which is strongly linked to the work of the Centre of Excellence on Personalized Medicine. 

In addition, CSC leads the work package on the creation of a sustainable HPC collaboration roadmap between Europe and Japan and participates in the organization of the HANAMI high-level symposia, workshops, staff and researcher exchanges and other activities to support the development of collaboration between the two research communities.

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