EU Artificial Intelligence Factory to Kajaani

The EU’s upcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) Factories will increase European AI expertise on a global scale. An AI Factory will include not only a supercomputer computing infrastructure but also related activities and services. The purpose of this project is to prepare for securing the EU’s AI factory investment in Kajaani, and to bring the benefits of the AI factory to Kajaani and the Kainuu region. The continuity enabled by this project will ensure the benefits of high-performance computing for the competence, economy and public sector in the Kainuu region.

The aim of the project is to ensure that the business sector in Kajaani can leverage the opportunities provided by the AI factory, and to create continuity through a new investment following the LUMI supercomputer. The added value for Kajaani and the Kainuu region will be the internationalisation of the region, the development of AI skills and the diversification of educational opportunities. As the current LUMI supercomputer reaches the end of its lifetime at the end of 2027 or early 2028, a new investment will be needed to ensure this continuity.

The project promotes the AI competence of the business sector, education, RDI and public sectors in the Kajaani and the Kainuu region, with far-reaching impacts extending well into the 2030s. The life cycle of the EU AI supercomputer associated with the project extends until around 2033. The project will help Kajaani develop a reputation as a world-class supercomputing location. The project will also support the wider reputation-building efforts of the Kainuu region and Kajaani. Impacts can also be measured in terms of local business activities and the long-term increase in the number of jobs. A broader impact of the project is the strengthening of Kajaani and the Kainuu region as a location for European supercomputers, as well as the benefits derived from the associated expertise and services.

Co-funded by the EU logo.