
A European-wide Foundation to Accelerate Data-driven Cancer Research

Cancer’s complex nature requires integration of advanced research data across national boundaries to enable progress. Indeed, the Horizon Europe mission board for cancer has identified access to data, knowledge and digital services – accessible across the European Research Area through federated infrastructures – as a key enabling condition for success.

EOSC4Cancer will make cancer genomics, imaging, medical, clinical, environmental and socio-economic data accessible. It will use and enhance existing federated and interoperable systems for securely identifying, sharing, processing and reusing FAIR cancer data across borders, and offer them via community-driven analysis environments. Its provision of well curated datasets will be essential for advanced analytics and computational methods to be reproducible and robust, including machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches. EOSC4Cancer use-cases will cover the patient’s journey from cancer prevention to diagnosis to treatment, laying the foundation of data trajectories and workflows for future cancer mission projects.

EOSC4Cancer brings together a comprehensive consortium of cancer research centres, research infrastructures, leading research groups, hospitals and supercomputing centres from 14 European countries. To make the developments sustainable, they will be offered as part of the research infrastructures partners services portfolio, in connection with the EOSC ecosystem and to serve the European Cancer Mission.

CSC participates in the project as an affiliated entity of ELIXIR, contributing to e.g. the work packages on federated data spaces, federated cancer data analysis and dialogue between different stakeholders.

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