Extremes DT

Destination Earth On-Demand Extremes Digital Twin

The European Commission’s Destination Earth (DestinE) programme aims to develop high precision digital twins (DT) of the Earth to support decision making in Europe. Extremes DT is one of the two first DTs developed within DestinE. Extremes DT is a solution for making on-demand configurable digital twin for forecasting environmental extremes at the sub-km scale. Extremes DT aims to provide an on-demand workflow with co-design of high-resolution predictions about extreme weather events utilising the EuroHPC high performance computer platforms, combined with decision making support for impact sectors including hydrology, air quality and energy meteorology. To maximise the use of its products, the Extremes DT system will be co-developed and co-designed in close collaboration with the users, whose data and feedback enable the optimisation of the system. The Extremes DT will use a physics-based and data driven model system and computationally-intensive data-flow deployed on two EuroHPC pre-exascale systems: LUMI in Kajaani, Finland, and MareNostrum 5 in Barcelona, Spain.

The Extremes DT will be developed by an international team, including 28 European organizations and led by Météo-France. The Extremes DT will be delivered based on the contract made with European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF). CSC – IT Center for Science has a key role in deploying the Extremes DT on LUMI supercomputer, that is hosted by CSC in Kajaani, Finland.

Destination Earth is a European Union funded initiative and is implemented by ECMWF, ESA, and EUMETSAT.

Logos: Funded by the European Union, Destination Earth. Implemented by: ECMWF, Esa, EUMETSAT.