Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure
FIN-CLARIAH is the Finnish research infrastructure (RI) for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) comprising of two components, FIN-CLARIN and DARIAH-FI, that provide SSH researchers access to diverse collection of documents, research data and tools.
In the first development project (2022-2023), the FIN-CLARIAH components sought to significantly broaden their mutual scope of digital SSH infrastructural support by consolidating and enhancing their resources to reach beyond processing of spoken standard Finnish into colloquial speech, to cater to a broad range of SSH research needs for processing unstructured text and to facilitate research based on metadata.
The current main aim of FIN-CLARIAH is to significantly upgrade the SSH infrastructural support in four directions to:
- enable the processing of spoken minority language data
- provide tools for a broad range of SSH research processing unstructured text
- facilitate research in audio-visual culture by processing metadata
- support transformer technology uptake among SSH researchers
In relation to the above aim, CSC leads the work on upgrading the data management, versioning and workflow automation capabilities that underlie the infrastructure; provides automated speech recognition with an emphasis on everyday speech and dialects as well as facilitates the use, managing and sharing of video recordings as research data. CSC also hosts the main RI computing facilities and enables the optimal usage of the HPC infrastructure.
More information about the funding
This project has received funding from the European Union – NextGenerationEU instrument and is funded by the Research Council of Finland under decisions number 345617 and 358723.

Funding source
Research Council of Finland & NextGenerationEU
Duration of the project
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025Website of the project