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During the training, participants have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the different stages and methods of single-cell data analysis. Concrete subjects to study include data quality control, cell clustering, and identification of cell types and genes expressed differently.

CSC’s courses have been very popular year after year and received positive feedback on both the teachers’ professional skills and the usefulness of the contents. “I found the course very well organized and the lecturers highly skilled and competent in the field”, a participant in fall 2022 says.

Some of the courses have been organized on site in CSC’s Espoo training facilities, while others have consisted fully of remote learning. They have included both one-day training events and those organized in shorter sections over several days. The training arrangements vary from year to year, depending on the dates of the course and the participants’ needs. The remote implementation has received special praise for its success. “The teachers were very good”, a participant in spring 2023 said. “Worked very well even though it was online!”, another participant in the same course noted.

I found the course very well organized and the lecturers highly skilled and competent in the field

A participant, the course of fall 2022

The course covers a high number of topics, which is why participants are urged to familiarize themselves with advance materials before it starts. This ensures that you can focus on the practical exercises and get the most out of the training. This practice also received praise from those who participated in the course organized in spring 2023: “The materials that were sent, us prior to the course week, found to be quite relevant for the next lectures. I feel like I learned a lot and achieved what I was aiming for, which is understanding the workflow of the scRNA seq, and now I can start working with it.”

In addition to advance materials, certain competence requirements apply to R language training that are mainly related to mastering the basics of this language. No such requirements apply to the Chipster implementation, and the participants in spring 2023 found that the level of Chipster training was also suitable for those with less knowledge of the basics: “Excellent course for beginners!”, one of them summarized.

  • The total grade for the training implemented using R language was 8.5.
  • The Chipster based training received an overall score of 9.7/10, and more than 90% of the participants would recommend the training to their colleagues.