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Joni started his career at CSC as a summer worker in 2001. At the time, he studied electronics and electrical engineering and information technology at Helsinki University of Technology, now known as Aalto University. Joni enjoyed his summer job, which is why he came back to CSC the following summer. He then continued to work alongside his studies until he graduated.

Acquiring expertise in identity management with the employer’s support

When he graduated, Joni was offered a full-time job managing certain internal systems, such as the ticket system. His job included system identity management, in which Joni began to notice room for improvement: “I figured that more centralized access control would be useful. This would eliminate the need for everyone to make the same updates separately at the same time, and data could be shared from a single source.”

As a result of this observation and on the recommendation of his supervisor, Joni took an IDM course. Joni praises CSC for encouraging participation in training and investing time and money in it: “I have become a certified expert while at CSC. CSC has supported my training after graduation – both through on-the-job learning and participation in courses.” Joni has taken part in many types of training during his career. In addition to developing his special expertise, some of the trainings have focused on efficient work organization and security.

CSC has supported my training after graduation – both through on-the-job learning and participation in courses.

Joni Nevalainen, CSC

Motivated by variable tasks, meaningful work and a culture of assistance

Joni has now worked with identity management for over 10 years. While his tasks have remained fairly similar in many respects, Joni says that he has never had time to get bored. One factor in this certainly is Joni’s active involvement in many other projects alongside his own tasks: “I have already accumulated quite a few extra roles in addition to my daily tasks.” Alongside identity management, Joni’s working days may include printer and e-mail maintenance or IP domain and master data management.

Joni brings up CSC’s significance for society: “I like CSC’s unique position and the fact that we are a non-profit enterprise. We can productize and develop open source solutions and offer them to our partners and, at best, the world at large.” As an example he mentions ELMER, a solution based on element method modeling developed at CSC, which is used globally to support research.

Joni feels that, while working at CSC, he has learned more about how people think and what they know: “I have had the pleasure of meeting different people with expertise in a variety of areas at CSC.” Joni says that it is also easy to give and receive help, thanks to the good atmosphere. To him, CSC’s culture of helpfulness is very important and worth fostering. Joni feels like he fits to CSC well, as he describes himself as: “Partly a geek, a sociable introvert and someone who holds on to optimism and idealism. I’m a person who likes to offer help.”

Work leaves time for hobbies and the family

Joni found his enthusiasm for computers at the age of 4 when he got his first Vic-20. This marked the start of his video gaming hobby that has continued throughout his life. From this starting point, he broadened his interest in information technology over time.

Joni’s love of music has brought joy to many CSC employees over the years, as he and his colleagues have played at CSC’s Christmas party and other events. Joni has played the piano and the trombone for 10 years in total. He also sang with the Polytech Choir for 18 years, from which he transferred to its senior choir, Otaniemen Kaiku.

While Joni is active in many different hobbies, he says that he currently spends most of his free time with his family.

Joni’s gaming recommendations

  • Star Control 2, today known as The Ur-Quan Masters. Can be downloaded free from the Linux repository.
  • Civilization gives you a perspective on life. It allows you to examine how inventions affect people’s lives and how diplomacy works.
  • 7 Days to Die – a survival and construction game. Like Minecraft but with better graphics.
  • Insurgency – a first-person shooter game.
  • On the smartphone, Clash Royale.