
CSC Research Support Coffee – Every Wednesday at 14:00 Finnish time

In short: 

Does formulating your support request in writing feel cumbersome? Please consider joining our weekly research support coffee sessions where you can directly discuss with our friendly user support staff!

– Time: every Wednesday at 14:00
– Place: Zoom:

Upcoming sessions:

  • 4.9: no short talk, just Q&A
  • 11.9: Noppe service for courses and collaborations

Longer version:

CSC’s services are provided for researchers from any research field affiliated with a Finnish academic organisation and their collaborators, according to CSC General terms of use.

Starting to use a new system is often not easy, so many new concepts and ways of working and sending an email to servicedesk can feel like a heavy task.

We would like to make especially this first contact easier for CSC service users for research:

  • Do you have any questions about CSC’s services for research? 
  • Want to discuss some features or how to employ the services in your research project? 
  • Do you have an issue that is easier explained verbally than written down? 

We invite you to have a cup of coffee with our research customer support and discuss whatever you have in mind.

This is an open support session organized every Wednesday at 14:00 in Zoom to discuss current issues in CSC’s services for research and to provide direct support for our users. You are welcomed to just pop in to the Zoom room

Please note that the sessions are 14:00-15:00 Finnish time (+02:00 EET / +03:00 EEST)!

We use a collaborative document (HedgeDoc -regardless of the visuals, it’s really easy to use, once you give it a go 🙂 ), where you can submit your questions beforehand or during the session. Depending on the amount of questions we will answer them in the main zoom room or make use of breakoutrooms. You may also indicate your preference when asking a question.

You can ask both in English and Finnish -or any language our specialists available speak 🙂

While we have a lot of specialists involved in these help-sessions, please be aware that we may not always have the right person for a specialized issue available in the call. However, even in these situations we will help as much as we can, and the minimum result will be a ticket to servicedesk to reach the right specialist. Some sessions might have specific themes (for example language bank or sensitive data specialists are visiting the sessions regularly), but you are nonetheless welcome to join any session!

Please also note our specialized user support sessions for LUMI.

Read more about the services for research on our webpage:
User guides and more detailed instructions to the services can be found at

If you have any questions regarding this event, or have an issue that needs immediate attention? Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime at: Service desk is our main channel for user support.

2024 past short talks and materials:

3.1. Short talk: New features of (no recording)

10.1 Short talk: Machine learning on supercomputers, Part 1: getting started and using GPUs (recording)

17.1 Short talk: Machine learning on supercomputers, Part 2: Jupyter and GPUs? (recordingslides)

24.1 Short talk: Which CSC service for research suits my needs? – An overview (recordingmaterials

31.1 Short talk: How to write a good support request (recordingmaterials)

7.2. Short talk: CSC cloud services for education (recordingmaterials)

14.2. Short talk: Chipster – easy-to-use bioinformatics analysis software for single-cell, spatial and microbiome data etc. (recording)

21.2. Short talk: Troubleshooting batch jobs in CSC computing environment (recordingmaterials)

28.2. Short talk: Using Matlab on CSC supercomputer Puhti (recording)

6.3. No short talk, only Q&A

13.3. Short talk: CSC Cloud Services for users: A couple of use cases (materials, recording)

20.3. No short talk, only Q&A

27.3. Short talk: CSC trainings & training material (links)

3.4. Short talk: Machine learning on supercomputers, Part 3: Multi-GPU and multi-node jobs (materials)

10.4. No short talk, only Q&A

17.4. No short talk, only Q&A

24.4. Short talk: Why is my home directory full? (recordingmaterials)

1.5. No session (public holiday)

8.5. Short talk: Moving a project to Rahti (recording, materials)

15.5. No short talk, only Q&A

22.5. Short talk: MyCSC overview & what’s new (recording)

29.5. No short talk, just Q&A

5.6. No short talk, just Q&A

12.6. No short talk, just Q&A

19.6. Short talk: Moving data from scratch to Allas. Last session before summer break!

Summer break

7.8 Support session, no short talk

14.8 Support session, no short talk

21.8 What are build systems and why may I need one?

27.8 no short talk

2023 past short talks and materials:

11.1.: Short talk: Upcoming CSC Computing Environment course 

18.1: Short talk: Data retention policy updates (Slidesrecordingdata clean up in

25.1. No short talk, just Q&A session

1.2.: No short talk, just Q&A session

8.2.: Guide to CSC webpages for researchers

15.2.: Mini crash course in HPC – batch job scripts 1 (slides)

22.2.: SD Desktop (recording)

1.3.: LUMI (slidesrecording)

8.3.: Copying scratch dir to Allas (recording)

15.3.: R/python-based web tools at CSC for reproducible research and teaching (slides)

22.3. No short talk

29.3. ssh keys and login safely (recording)

5.4.: Mini course as a first step to CSCs services (mini course)

12.4.: Help us help you! or: How to write a good support request (recording)

19.4.: Git* for researchers – tips and tricks (material, no recording)

26.4: No short talk

3.5: Monitoring batch jobs on supercomputer

10.5: Using Julia on supercomputer

24.5. GPU programmin (upcoming course) 

31.5. No session (due to CSC company wide event)

14.6. Mini crash course in HPC – batch job scripts 2 (see also slides from first part)

21.6 No short talk

Summer break: 22.6.-16.8.

16.8. Mini crash course in HPC – batch job scripts 2

27.8. Course project type, MyCSC profile 

30.8. No short talk

6.9. What are the private and public keys in SD Connect? – Asymmetric encryption with crypt4gh

13.9. Benefits of version control in HPC environment

20.9. No short talk, just Q&A

26.9. No short talk, just Q&A

25.10. How to create your own Python environment on the supercomputer? (recording)

22.11: Päivityksiä Pouta-pilvipalveluun (recording)

29.11: Short talk: Using R on Puhti (recording) + CSC Computing environment course support session 

6.12: no session (independence day)

13.12. Short talk: Installing R packages on Puhti (recording)

20.12 Short talk: Research Data Management online course, RDMkit and FAIR principles videos

27.12. no session (christmas break)

2022 materials: 

7.9. Short talk: Puhti web interface (recording)

14.9. Short talk: LUMI (slidesrecording)

21.9. Short talk: CSC Notebooks (slides, recording))

28.9. Short talk: Puhti RHEL-8 update (slides)

5.10. Short talk: Tykky container wrapper (slidesrecording)

12.10. Short talk: Sensitive Data services (slides, recording )

19.10. No short talk, Q&A only

26.10. Short talk: Machine learning guide (docsrecording)

2.11: Short talk: CSC cloud services Pouta and Rahti (slidesrecording)

9.11: Short talk: Workflows and Hyperqueue (recording)

16.11: Short talk: CSC training material (recording)

23.11: Short talk: RStudio/R in different platforms (slidesrecording)

30.11. Short talk: Introduction to the Language Bank of Finland (Kielipankki) (slides_part1slides_part2recording)

7.12.: Short talk: MyCSC (recording)

14.12: Short talk: Mini crash course in HPC (slides)

21.12: No short talk

28.12.-3.1.: Christmas break