Competence development, peer support and working together – CSC Research Data Management Competence Center
CSC has coordinated the CSC Data Support Network for more than a year now. Contact with data support staff has been maintained through webinars, emails, chat and once a month on Friday mornings during data coffee. We have made training materials available, organized trainings and disseminated information on ongoing projects and their outputs. The Data Support Network is part of CSC’s Data Management Competence Center, the activities of which you can read more about on the renewed website.
What is CSC’s Research Data Management Competence Center?
The goal of CSC’s Research Data Management Competence Center is to promote the open science and practices of FAIR principles. We want to support our customers in implementing sensible data management and using data management services. The target group in our operations and training is the support personnel of the organizations, who can further disseminate their knowledge to the researchers of their organization. We are also happy to collect feedback on CSC’s data management services, which we use to develop the services. In addition, CSC’s Research Data Management Competence Center consults organizations on data management and service needs as needed.
CSC is actively involved in many international data management projects and networks. We strive to actively disseminate information on current topics and outputs, so that these applications and materials intended for utilization will also be utilized as widely as possible in Finland.
Future planning
We hope that in the future, CSC will be able to support organizations even better according to their wishes and needs. We have sent a Webropol survey to members of the data support network, where we map hopes for future training and collaboration needs. Based on the answers, we plan our future activities and hopefully we can also conduct trainings and workshops in cooperation, so that the know-how is utilized as widely as possible and peer support is available. We will hold on the 15th of December at 10 o’clock, a virtual event where we roughly review the results of the survey and talk about next year’s activities. Things can still be affected, so we hope for many responses to the survey and active participation in the virtual event. Working together towards the same goals!
Päivi Rauste
The author promotes open science practices through education, events and communication. Twitter: @prauste