E-TASC Advanced Computing Hub Helsinki

The Eurofusion Advanced Computing Hub, E-TASC-HEL, is focused on open access, data management, data analysis tools, artificial intelligence and verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification. Another important aim is the improvement of scientific software for fusion research.

The main goal of the E-TASC programme and the Helsinki Advanced Computing Hub is to bring fusion modelling to a sufficient level for DEMO conceptual design in the next 10 years. This will be achieved within the Horizon Europe and FP10 programmes by forming integrated, high-level expert teams in thematic areas of computer science, supported by top expertise in scientific computing, software engineering, plasma physics, and materials science.

The E-TASC-HEL hub strives to promote the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning techniques and modern programming paradigms to overcome known bottlenecks in modelling schemes, and improve the efficiency of fusion-research software and algorithms through the increased use of GPU hardware and data-science tools.

The local support for the E-TASC-HEL hub builds on the FinnFusion Consortium, consisting of VTT Technical Research Center of Finland Ltd and its linked third parties, including University of Helsinki, Aalto University, Åbo Academy, and CSC. Senior scientists at the University of Helsinki and Åbo Academy and software engineers at CSC are dedicated to support the E-TASC-HEL hub personnel.

CSC supports the E-TASC-HEL Advanced Computing Hub by providing supercomputing support and infrastructure for use within the project, as well as software and programming expertise including parallel, GPU, and hybrid programming, data management support like EUDAT, and science support.

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