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This training is suitable for both beginners and more experienced users who wish to make more efficient use of their computing resources. ”I wish I had taken this course before I did any self-directed learning. Still, I learned new things on the course. It was also nice to have field-specific experts as trainers”, says a participant on a course organized in April 2023 in their feedback.

Concise training package with plenty of hands-on practice

The training consists of hands-on exercises that give you practical help with using high-performance computing. Exercises done during the April 2023 course received extremely positive feedback from the participants,who found them very useful. “The tutorials were extremely valuable in learning the topics. Afterwards I did not have many questions in mind because of the clear presentations in the tutorials.”, one of the participants describes the exercises.

I feel the lectures were well organized and the topics were in a logical order.

A participant of the training

The last few times, the training has been organized on three consecutive days, with three hours of training on each day. According to one participant, the course was intensive but the time was used well: “The three hours were quite intensive, but it was good that enough time was reserved especially for the tutorials.” The course contained a large volume of content, but the participants found that there was enough time for the essentials: “I feel the lectures were well organized and the topics were in a logical order. At some points the pace was a bit fast but generally it was easy to follow the lectures and at the same time understand the topic”, says a participant.

Prepare for training: test your Linux skills and apply for computing resources

The requirement for taking the course is mastering the basics of Linux, as CSC’s high-performance computing takes place in the Linux environment. This is why you should test your skills with the advance materials and baseline test in eLena before the course. In addition to CSC’s materials, there are plenty of free Linux guides and other learning materials that you can use to revise your skills or acquire the necessary basic knowledge.

For the exercises, you need access to CSC’s computing resources and control systems before the course begins. In practice, it means the CSC user account, a computing project as well as assosiated Puhti and Mahti resources. To apply for computing resources, go to CSC’s MyCSC portal and follow the guided step by step instructions in the pre-requisite “mini-course”.

Course held in February 2023

  • Overall grade 8.7/10.
  • Almost 90% of the participants would be happy to recommend the training to their colleagues.