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Even more important than the performance per watt is the fact that LUMI uses 100% carbon-free hydroelectric energy for its operations, and its waste heat is reused to heat up the surrounding houses in city of Kajaani, Finland, the home of LUMI.

– To achieve the third position on the Green500 list is a fantastic achievement. We know how critical it is to accelerate the green transition and ensure energy security and efficiency in Europe. To be able to build a system which is both highly powerful and highly eco-efficient is proof that we can achieve great things when we take sustainability into account. LUMI’s green power is a celebration of a new age of eco-responsible supercomputing, says Anders Dam Jensen, EuroHPC Joint Undertaking’s Executive Director.

CSC’s data center in Kajaani, where LUMI is placed, is one of the world’s most eco-efficient data centers.

– LUMI is a pioneer in green supercomputing. In the world of ever-accelerating climate change, the science community needs to provide insight and innovation to tackle the crisis. Supercomputers can do this in two ways: by supporting climate research and green innovation and by making sure that their own carbon footprint is as small as possible. When evaluating the footprint, all factors and indicators must be taken into account: the whole lifecycle of the data center, purpose of use (e.g. research vs. commercial data center), total cost of ownership, energy efficiency, possibility of waste heat utilization and supply of renewable energy sources. These factors make a huge and direct impact on the environmental burden, energy security and cost for whole Europe, and this is where LUMI is leading the way, says Kimmo Koski, Managing Director of CSC – IT Center for Science, Finland, on behalf of the LUMI consortium.

Image: CSC’s Managing Director Kimmo Koski with the Green500 certificate at the ISC22 conference.

LUMI’s energy consumption is covered with power produced 100% with hydroelectricity. The waste heat of LUMI will account for about 20 percent of the district heating in the surrounding city of Kajaani, and will substantially reduce the entire city’s annual carbon footprint: by 12,400 tons – an amount that equals the output from nearly 4000 passenger cars.

Inauguration in June

LUMI’s inauguration event will take place on Monday 13th June 2022, in Kajaani, Finland. The event can be followed via live stream. Please follow LUMI’s website and social media channels for further information. There will also be a press conference during the inauguration. Media representatives are asked to do the accreditation for the press conference via the link below.  

Contact details for media & media gallery:
Additional information on LUMI’s sustainability: