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Through accelerating the digital transformation, EU can become a champion in developing and applying digital technologies and FP10 must fully embrace the data driven research and innovation paradigm. This cannot be done without publicly owned world-class digital research infrastructures, capable of serving the whole European R&I ecosystem and of building Europe’s own technological capacity and digital skills. FP10 will be a decisive factor in determining whether Europe can achieve its strategic ambitions regarding competitiveness, sustainability and security. It’s time for a significant increase in Europe’s RDI budget, and focus on four key priorities:

  1. Accelerating data-intensive and AI-driven, open research and innovation for competitiveness and prosperity
  2. Strengthening Europe’s technological capacity and skills through world-class digital research infrastructures and European data ownership, to reduce dependencies and contribute to security
  3. Dismantling silos, forging new models for collaboration across the EU to reap the benefits from data-intensive RDI
  4. Driving sustainability, supporting the clean transition

Read the full position paper (pdf)