Data Governance Act must be harnessed to advance the objectives of the data strategy – CSC gave a statement on the draft report concerning national implementation of the EU’s Data Governance Act
The draft report on the national implementation of the Data Governance Act (DGA) is a comprehensive description of the content of the Act and how it relates to existing legislation. Some further clarification and sectoral guidelines are needed regarding the impact of certain parts of the Act on our organization. We also consider it important that the bodies that are excluded from the scope of the present report, such as providers of data intermediation and data altruism services, can receive adequate support to comply with the obligations of DGA.
We emphasize that all the objectives of the data strategy must be promoted in order to create a common European data space. We also need common data governance practises as well as coherent data regulation that support the development of new capabilities and innovative practises. Publicly funded data must be opened for public use.
As the objective of the Act is to actively promote the re-use of protected data we also consider it very important that the resource needs and appropriate organization of tasks are reviewed carefully for organizations such as CSC that provide services for authorities. In this regard, CSC supports a decentralized system in which sectoral bodies remain. CSC is happy to have been recognized as service provider for the public sector in the report and will gladly offer its expertise to support the implementation of the Act.
In addition, it is important that Finland, as a member of the forthcoming Data Innovation Board, promotes data politics which aims to promote diverse use of data, especially for research purposes. Moreover, existing data governance standards and practises must be utilized maximally and adequate resources ensured for uniform implementation of the Act across Europe.
Read the full statement (pdf) (in Finnish).