CSC’s governing bodies are the General Meeting, the Board of Directors, and the Managing Director. In addition, the owners have formed a council for owner cooperation, which is in charge of drawing up CSC’s ownership strategy.
The General Meeting
The General Meeting represents the highest level of governance at CSC. The General Meeting discusses matters falling under its remit according to the Limited Liability Companies Act and the corporate by-laws. The General Meeting elects the chairman and members of the Board of Directors and the auditor. Annual General Meetings are held before the end of June.
By means of a proxy, an appropriate minister, secretary general, administration department head, or other administration department official from the Ministry of Education and Culture serves as a representative of the state at General Meetings. This representative has the decision-making powers of an owner at such meetings. Higher education institutions are represented in General Meetings by proxy by the principal or other representative appointed by the institution, who use the decision-making powers of an owner in the General Meeting.
Corporate by-laws
- Read more about our corporate by-laws (pdf) (in Finnish)
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is appointed for one year at a time and shall meet at least five times a year. The Board of Directors promotes the interests of the company and supervises the company’s accounting, financial management, performance development and administration. The Board deals with all far-reaching aspects of CSC’s operations, such as the CSC strategy, action plan, budget, significant investments, and risk management principles. Each year, the Board of Directors adopts its own agenda and submits a self-assessment of its work to the Ministry of Education and Culture, which is responsible for CSC’s ownership steering.
Board of Directors 2023-2024

Jukka Mönkkönen
Jukka Mönkkönen is Professor in Biopharmaceutics of the University of Eastern Finland. He previously served as Rector, Academic Rector, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Professor of Biopharmacy at this University. He has also worked as a post-doc researcher at the University of Wisconsin (USA) and a visiting fellow at the University of Aberdeen (UK).
Key concurrent positions of trust: University Properties of Finland Ltd SYK chairman of the board; North Savo OP-bank, board of administration member.

Riitta Autere
Riitta Autere is Ministerial Adviser at the Ministry of Finance Finland with responsibility areas of information policy, public sector information management steering operations, and open data issues. Previously she has been appointed as Senior Specialist at the Ministry of Environment with responsibilities in strategic steering of environmental information and knowledge management, as well as different tasks for information and knowledge management at the main governmental heritage agencies. Autere participates legislative drafting and transposition and implementation information management related EU Law.
Key concurrent positions of trust: a member of the secretariat of the Information Management Board of Finland in 2020.

Laura Eiro
Laura Eiro is Director General of the Data Department at the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The Department is responsible for promoting the data economy and the availability of data, and for legislation and strategy work concerning information security in communications networks and services. It also has the task to promote the utilisation of automation and robotics in transport sector. Eiro serves as secretary general of the Ministerial Working Group on Developing the Digital Transformation, the Data Economy and Public Administration as well as one of the chairs of the interministerial Digital Office. She is a member of several other cooperation groups on digitalisation, the data economy and cyber security and is involved in a number of legislative and development projects in this field.
Previously Eiro has worked at the Ministry of Transport and Communications in expert and managerial positions. She has also worked at Finland’s Permanent Representation to the EU, at Intelligent Transportation Society of Finland and at the Ministry of Finance as secretary general of the Finnish Technology Advisory Board.

Tua Huomo
Tua Huomo is Executive Vice President, Sustainable products and materials, and a member of executive leadership team at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. She is leading the business area focusing on industrial biotechnology, food solutions, industrial chemistry, biomaterial processing and products, knowledge-driven design and cognitive production industry.
Huomo has previously worked at VTT in ICT and microelectronics sectors and software industry in different roles. She has also worked for several years at EIT Digital being responsible for European-level research and innovation activities for cloud and big data technologies and applications.
Key concurrent positions of trust: Member of the Board of JRC (European Joint Research Centre) and Executive Vice President in the Board of Directors of University of Oulu.

Hannu Kemppainen
Hannu Kemppainen is Executive Director (Strategy) and Member of the Leadership Team for Business Finland. His main responsibilities include Business Finland’s strategy, foresight, business intelligence and impact evaluation functions and strategy-based management systems. Prior to his current role Kemppainen held several different leadership positions at Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation.
Hannu Kemppainen holds a Master of Science in Technology degree in Technical Physics and Licentiate in Technology degree in Electrical Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology.
Key concurrent positions of trust: Permanent Expert for the Business Finland Board of Directors; Member of the Economic Policy Committee of Service Sector Employers Palta.

Petri Myllymäki
Petri Myllymäki is a professor of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the Department of Computer Science of University of Helsinki, Finland. He is currently the Director of the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), a joint research institute of University of Helsinki and Aalto University, and the vice-Director of the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI). Prof. Myllymäki has over 30 years of experience in AI research, and he has held numerous positions of trust in research-related committees and organizations. He is a co-founder of several spin-off companies, and his applied research has lead to a number of fielded applications and patents. He is a member of Finnish Academy of Science and Letters and Finnish Academy of Technology.
Key concurrent positions of trust (a member of the following): Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, Finnish Academy of Technology, Finnish National Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and Digitalisation, National Committee for Research Data Management, Board of the Nokia Foundation, Coordination Committee of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS).

Petri Raivo
Petri Raivo is the rector and CEO of Karelia University of Applied Sciences. Previously, he has worked as a lecturer and central director at North Karelia University of Applied Sciences, as well as the director of a tourism network university. In addition, he has worked at the University of Oulu and as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Keele in the UK.
Key concurrent positions of trust: Vice Chairman of the Board of Education Employers, member of the Board of North Karelia Chamber of Commerce, member of the Board of Nordic International University (UZB).
CSC’s Managing Director Kimmo Koski acts as the secretary of the board.
Rules of procedure
Managing Director and Management Group
CSC’s business operations and the implementation of its objectives are managed by the Managing Director in accordance with the Limited Liability Companies Act, other applicable legislation, the instructions of the Board of Directors, and CSC’s established strategy. The Managing Director is responsible for the organization of accounting and financial management, ongoing administrative tasks, and operational decisions. The Managing Director is assisted by the Management Group that generates added value by preparing, processing, and implementing decisions.
CSC Management Group members 1.1.2023 onwards.

Kimmo Koski
Kimmo Koski has previously worked in managerial positions at Nokia and in managerial and specialist roles at CSC. He has also worked at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland.
Key concurrent positions of trust: Coordinator in the EuroHPC LUMI -consortium and Deputy member of the Board in Technology Industries of Finland.

Tiina Kupila-Rantala
Tiina Kupila-Rantala was Project Manager at Nokia Networks in 2001. Before joining CSC, she worked as a research assistant in University of Helsinki’s Department of Physics and as a systems analyst at Nokia Telecommunications.

Janne Kanner
Janne Kanner has worked at CSC in various expert and manager roles and, since 2004, as director in positions including technology director and director responsible for business in different segments.
He has previously worked in trainee and expert positions at Vapo Oy and University of Jyväskylä.

Teemu Kiviniemi
Teemu Kiviniemi has previously worked in managerial and specialist positions at CSC. Before joining CSC, he has worked as a programming course head assistant in Helsinki University of Technology, and in system administration tasks at Ivalon Foto-Kone Ky and at Inari municipality.
Key concurrent positions of trust:
Finnish Communication and Internet Exchange – FICIX ry; member of the board 2015-2016, chairman of the board 2017-2018. NORDUnet A/S; deputy member of the board 2015-2018.

Irina Kupiainen
Irina Kupiainen has worked at CSC in specialist, managerial and director positions. Previously she has worked in various specialist, policy advisory and communications positions in the Defence ministry, Permanent delegation of Finland to the OSCE, Parliament and Helsinki University Student Union.

Damien Lecarpentier
Damien Lecarpentier has held various positions at CSC related to international collaboration in the area of advanced computing, data management and e-Infrastructure developments.
Key concurrent positions of trust: Member of Eudat Ltd Board directors, Member of EOSC AISBL, Member of Gaia-X AISBL.

Kimmo Niittuaho
Kimmo Niittuaho has previously worked in financial administration, e.g. Pirelli Oy and Oy LM Ericsson Ab.
Key concurrent positions of trust: Eudat Ltd Member of the Board directors.

Hanna-Mari Puuska
Hanna-Mari Puuska has previously worked at CSC in managerial and specialist roles.
Before joining CSC, she has worked as a researcher in Tampere University.
Key concurrent positions of trust: Finnish Publication Forum Steering Group member, euroCRIS Board member, Researcher’s Responsible Evaluation Steering Group Member, National Research Information Hub Steering Group member.

Mari Walls
Mari Walls has previously worked in strategic change management positions, such as the first President of the new Tampere University and as President and CEO of the Natural Resources Institute Finland, as well as in research management positions e.g. in University of Turku and Academy of Finland.
Key concurrent positions of trust:
Executive Committee Member of the European University Association EUA, Chairman of the Board of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Board Member of Occupational Pension Company Varma, Supervisory Board Member of the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Per Öster
Per Öster has previously worked in managerial and directorial positions at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, in consultant and specialist positions at Volvo Data AB, and as a researcher at the Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg.
Key concurrent positions of trust: EUDAT Ltd Chair of Board of directors, ELIXIR Board member, EOSC AISBL General Assembly member and NORDUnet A/S board deputy member.

Tomasz Malkiewicz
Tomasz Malkiewicz has previously worked as a researcher at LPSC in Grenoble, France and at the University of Jyväskylä.
The owners of CSC (70% state, 30% Finnish higher education institutions) have organized their own cooperation by drawing up a shareholder agreement and forming a joint advisory council. The council promotes the interests of the owners, and its main task is to draw up an ownership strategy for the company and to monitor its implementation. The council is elected for two years at a time. The state appoints five councilors and the higher education institutions a total of five councilors. The chairperson is also appointed by the state.
CSC’s Council members 2023–2024
Jussi-Pekka Moisio
Director of Administration
Ministry of Education and Culture (chair)
Juho-Antti Jantunen
Senior Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Education and Culture (secretary)
Erja Heikkinen
Ministry of Education and Culture
Ari Hirvonen
Chief Digital Officer
University of Jyväskylä
Päivi Husman
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
Minna Karvonen
Ministry of Education and Culture
Kati Komulainen
President, CEO
Vaasa University of Applied Sciences
Tapio Kujala
President, CEO
Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Marja Sarajärvi
Director of University Service Processes
University of Oulu
Soili Vasikainen
Senior Ministerial Adviser (Science Affairs)
Ministry of Education and Culture
Christa Winqvist
Chief Information Officer
Aalto University
The council can also consult external experts.
Administrative principles
The main norms applicable to state-owned special assignment companies are the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act (624/2006) and the State Shareholdings and Ownership Steering Act (1368/2007 and 1315/2016). CSC’s administration is also steered by the Government Resolution on State Ownership Policy (VNK/2020/48), the corporate by-laws and the principles and guidelines defined by the CSC Board of Directors. As an unlisted company, CSC also complies with the Corporate Governance 2020 code issued by the Securities Market Association.
CSC has an incentive bonus system, which applies to all staff members in employment relationship. The bonus system supports the achievement of strategic goals, and the amount of bonuses is affected by personal performance as well as the success of groups and projects. The Board of Directors decides on the amounts and distribution principles of the incentive bonuses paid to staff members based on a proposal made by the managing director. The board also decides on the incentive bonuses paid to the managing director and the persons reporting directly to them. The managing director does not have any pension arrangements beyond those laid down in the statutory pension system.
Under a decision made at the 2022 ordinary general meeting, the board chair is paid a monthly remuneration of EUR 1.100 and an attendance fee of EUR 300 for each board meeting, the vice chair a monthly remuneration of EUR 800 and an attendance fee of EUR 300 for each board meeting, and each board member a monthly remuneration of EUR 700 and an attendance fee of EUR 300 for each board meeting.
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